Astek's Street Clean-up Event in Van Nuys

Astek staff cleaning up the street at Astek HQ.

Located in the heart of the San Fernando Valley, Astek HQ has taken steps to prioritize sustainable, greener business practices. In honor of Earth Month, we wanted to go the extra mile this year. Taking a look at our street, our team decided to take things into our own hands and host a company clean-up! In addition to tidying up the surrounding area, we also chose to spruce it up with some native California poppy seed bombs, which we dispersed in nearby spaces.

Our team was provided with appropriate safety equipment to ensure we were taking proper precautions for the most efficient and enjoyable experience for all. This included things like gloves, trash grabbers, and sunscreen. Using the “buddy system,” pairs of our team members took on the nearby streets of Arminta and Gloria together. Others of us chose to take this time to identify appropriate areas to spread out seed bombs, hoping to beautify the area with a touch of nature in the coming months and as the seasons change.

Overall, we are pleased with the outcome of this event and hope this serves as inspiration to make a positive impact on the environment this month. See our other sustainability efforts here.

Street cleanup event at Astek HQ.